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Tips for Using Banner Admin


Menus/Tools (Old Drop Down Menus)

Options and other menus are now found under the “Tools” (gear icon – Alt+Shift+T) or “Related” button (relationship icon – Alt+Shift+R). Both buttons are at the top right of the screen. For example: The old “Options > Next Action” button is found under “Tools > Options > Next Action.”


Search/Filter F7

The F7 key uses a new screen for searching or filtering. If you’ve already entered search criteria, pressing F7 sometimes keeps filters you’ve previously entered. The F8 key still applies your search/filter criteria.

Next Block/Section (Alt+PageDown)

Keyboard users: The new keyboard shortcut Alt+PgDn should work anytime you used to use “Next Block.”

Mouse users: There are also new buttons on the bottom left of the window that allow you to go to the previous (Alt+PgUp) or next (Alt+PgDn) block.


Note about GO: If you previously hit next block only once on a form, you can use the green “Go” button near the top right (or Alt+PgDn). If you used to hit next block multiple times, the “Go” button only works for the first “Next Block” action. To further get to the “Next Block” use Alt+PgDn or the buttons on the bottom right of the window. After going into the record(s), the green “Go” button (top right) changes to “Start Over” (F5) which functions like the old “Rollback.”

Rollback/Start Over (F5)

You may now click “Start Over” (Top right where the “Go” button often is) or use the new keyboard shortcut F5 to perform what used to be called “Rollback.”


Closing a Page

The X to close a page has moved to the top left. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Q.


Warnings and errors now pop up in the top right corner of the screen. Watch out, they will cover the start over/go button and other things in that corner of the screen until you dismiss the notification. (Click the number in the top right corner).