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Graduate Students: Grace Semester and Continuous Registration


Continuous Registration

If a graduate student is not registering for a semester but needs to retain access to USU IT Services (Box, Eduroam, VPN, Computer Labs) and library services, the absence is classified as Continuous Registration. In this case, the student needs to be assessed under the Continuous Registration fee for each semester they wish to retain access. 

For more information: Graduate Student Leave of Absence/Continuous Registration (LOA/CR).


Grace Semester for International Students

The grace semester is a mechanism to maintain your non-immigrant status while working on corrections for thesis/dissertation. International Students are required to maintain registration to meet visa requirements. The reduced course load form should be used to register for USU 7777 during the grace semester. 

For more information: Grace Semester and Late Completion or Steps to Degree Completion


For further assistance, please contact your Department IT Support or the IT Service Desk