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Banner: Faculty Grade Entry


Welcome! This tutorial will demonstrate the various features for Banner Faculty Grade Entry. Grades at USU can be entered directly through Banner or passed to Banner from Canvas. All grades should be verified by the instructor in Banner to ensure that they are correct.

Banner Grading:

If you have any questions about Banner grading, please contact Adam Gleed in the Registrar’s Office at or (435) 797-7095. 

Canvas Grading:

Canvas is used by many instructors at USU to assign grades and sync them Banner (Sync to SIS). Grades submitted through Canvas should be verified in Banner to ensure that they are correct. Canvas grading questions can be directed to the CIDI office at (435) 797-9506.


Getting Started

1. Banner Faculty Grade Entry can be accessed from the Faculty Services menu in Banner: --> Banner Dashboard --> Faculty --> Faculty Grade Entry


2. Once you are successfully logged into Faculty Grade Entry, you will see a list of courses that are available for grading. (past and future semesters that aren’t open for grading are not displayed on the Final Grades tab):

3. The default display is 10 courses per page so you may need to navigate to multiple pages to view all your courses:


    • You can also utilize the search box to find your courses by subject, course, section, title, etc.:

4. Columns are sortable so you can click the Grading Status column twice, for example, to sort the courses that still need to be graded to the top of the list:

Grading Statuses Explained

   Not Started: indicates that no grades for this section of the course have been submitted.

   In Progress: indicates that some but not all grades for this section of the course have been submitted.

    Completed: indicates that all grades for this section of the course have been submitted.


Course Details

You can review the Course Details for the selected course by clicking the arrow (highlighted in red) to the right of the Search box. Course Details will list the course title and section information, how many grades are outstanding, how many have been submitted along with the course dates, primary and any secondary instructors.


Entering Grades

To view the students in a course, click anywhere on the row (highlighted in red) and the students will be displayed below:

1. Select the grade from the ‘Final Grade’ drop-down menu. Once all the grades have been entered on the page, click ‘Save’
(Incomplete grade requests need to be requested of the Registrar's Office using this form and are not found in the Final Grade drop-down box):

2. If there are no errors on the page, you will receive confirmation that the save was successful:

3. Only students with F grades are required to have a Last Attend Date: (see for more information)


4. Enter the remaining grades on the subsequent pages (if applicable):



Student Details

You can review the Student Details by clicking on an individual student in the ‘Enter Grades’ section and clicking the arrow (highlighted in red) to the right of the Search box. Student Details will show the student’s photo along with confidentiality indicators and grade roll information. There is also a link to email students directly.


Rolled Column

After you have entered your grades, they ‘roll’ to the student’s transcript daily around 5 pm. Once the ‘roll’ has occurred, the green checkbox will appear on every student in the Rolled column. Once grades have rolled, they can only be changed through the Registrar’s Office using the Change of Grade form in ServiceNow. Note: The Change of Grade form is only available to instructors with assignments, or those who have been granted access by the Registrar's Office.

After all your grades have been entered, but before they have been rolled, the ‘Grading Status’ should show completed:

After your grades have rolled, both ‘Grading Status’ and ‘Rolled’ should show completed:


Grading Resources 

Banner Faculty Grade Entry:

Banner Faculty Grade Entry:
Faculty Grading Information webpage:

If you have any questions about Banner grading, please contact Adam Gleed in the Registrar’s Office at or (435) 797-7095. 

Canvas Support:

Canvas Grading Basics (including setting up your grade book, grading assignments, syncing to Banner):
Canvas Instructor Guide:
Contact: CIDI office at (435) 797-9506