USU is making plans to launch the new Banner Dashboard! This dashboard will serve as a centralized hub for accessing and launching all Banner applications, consolidating them into one, convenient location. Initially, it has been configured to replace the Banner Self Service Launch Page (available via and the "Banner Main Menu" located under the Common Tools, menu of the student portal,
On February 20, 2024 a link to the new Banner Dashboard will be published on and included in the Common Tools menu of the student portal as shown below:
On the banner launch page,
In the Common Tools menu of the student portal,
On Feb 20, the “Banner Main Menu” link within the Common Tools menu on will be replaced with the “Banner Dashboard” link. During a brief transition period, both the “old” Banner Self Service Launch page and the Banner Dashboard links will be accessible on However, the link to the Banner Self Service Launch page will be entirely removed from on March 1, 2024.
Helpful information about the new Banner Dashboard:
The Banner Dashboard consists of "cards" with links to different Banner applications. The links on the cards are identical to the links on the "tiles" found in the different sections of the Banner Self Service Launch Page.
Below are screenshots of the Banner Dashboard and Banner Self Service Launch Page. Notice the similar content on the Banner Dashboard "Student Registration" card when compared to the tiles on the "Student Registration" section of the Banner Self Service Launch Page:
Banner Dashboard, "Student Registration" card:
Banner Self Service Launch Page, "Student Registration" section:
The Banner Dashboard provides access to the same applications in an updated, modern UI.
Like the content, grouped by tab, on the Banner Self Service Launch Page, cards on the Banner Dashboard can be filtered by the following categories: All Users, Students, Faculty & Advisors, Employees, and Finance. You can locate the Banner dashboard filters in the menu (pictured below)
Furthermore, you have the option to rearrange cards on the Banner Dashboard to suit your preferences, allowing you to personalize the dashboard according to your needs. Any card that isn't locked (doesn't have the lock in the upper right corner of the card) can be moved by clicking the card title and dragging it to another position on your dashboard. The "Employees" card is being relocated in the example below. **Note the lock in the upper right-hand corner of the "Common Tools" card. This card may not be re positioned.
Cards can also be removed from your dashboard if desired. To remove a card, click the the solid flag icon in the top right corner of the card.
Did you accidentally remove a card want it back on your homepage? You can filter the cards by category (All Users, Students, Faculty & Advisors, Employees, and Finance) using the main menu, locate the card, then click the hollow flag icon in the top right corner of the card to add it back to your home page. You can also use the "Discover More" button to locate the card (searching for it by name or keyword), then click the flag icon to add it back to your home page.