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Development Goals

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Personal development goals help you improve your character, skills and capabilities.These individual development goals may help you to learn new things, strengthen your abilities or become more effective in your role.

Goals should be short, clear statements of what needs to be accomplished. Goals have a beginning and an end. Goals should align with university goals, department or team goals and/or the employee’s career aspirations.

Use these steps to begin creating and achieving personal development goals for your career:

  • Create a vision.
  • Develop a plan.
  • Track your progress. (measurable)

Setting goals work when:

  • they are challenging and specific;
  • feedback is given that enables the person to measure progress towards the goal;
  • the supervisor and employee are both truly committed to the goal;
  • goals are reviewed regularly for continued relevance.

Consider choosing one of these common personal development goals:

  • Improve time management
  • Develop emotional intelligence
  • Cultivate resilience
  • Listen actively
  • Improve public speaking skills
  • Complete a project
  • Earn a certificate